Crystal Mountain
Josie Barker

My ‘awakening’ began when my husband and I first visited a house in Wales, which we now live in. We were looking to move to Wales, to change our lives – fed up with city life, we yearned to be in the countryside. Driving to this house, we turned off the main road, onto a narrow track, and found ourselves gasping in awe at the landscape – the mountains, the trees, the wildlife, a waterfall which was crashing and foaming. We were both smiling, in anticipation of where we were heading. We crossed a tiny bridge over a river, and then saw there wasn’t just one river, but in fact, there were two, and upon looking closer, these 2 rivers actually joined here. It was sheer bliss as we travelled along, not knowing where to look first. it felt like we had come home. At this point we hadn’t even seen the house, yet I knew this was to be our home, where we were meant to live.

We arrived at the house, and it was stunning. Set in a very rural spot, it was completely isolated, and amongst the most breathtakingly beautiful countryside I had ever seen, nestled beneath the ancient Cambrian mountains. There was just stunning views in every direction. Directly behind the house stood a majestical mountain, and just looking at it made me feel emotional. We were completely away from it all, no other houses in sight, no other people, just the sheep grazing the land and some beautiful wild ponies. We had found paradise.

The nearest neighbour, a farmer, was over a kilometer away, down a very bumpy track. No main roads, pollution, or noise, we were far removed from the hustle and bustle of our city life. It was off-grid, meaning we would have to create our own power, and the water came directly off the huge mountain behind the house. We would be completely self sufficient. It was perfect in every way. The owner explained the house sat on ley lines and there was a lot of energy here. I had heard of them, but didn’t know what they were. I saw she had some crystals around, and she placed a huge amethyst into my hands. It was gorgeous, holding it I felt so calm, I told her it was like being plugged into a tranquilizer! I felt so safe and very protected, being here was having a profound effect on me.

Something very special happened to me on that day in this magical house. I woke up, to energy, crystals, healing, spirit. When we left, I knew without doubt that I had to learn about crystals and reiki, and from that day I have been on such an incredible journey of learning about energy and healing. I found out some time later that a crystal mountain was nearby, and knew that it had helped to ignite this passion and desire within me for crystals!

Having lived here and experienced this magical energy, I realised that making essences was the ideal way to capture and share the energy with others, so they can experience the magic for themselves.