Crystal Mountain
Break the Cycle
Welsh water infused with energy signatures of Danburite, Ruby, Orange Calcite, Blue Lace Agate, Smoky Quartz and Rosemary hydrosol. Vodka as preservative.
Affirmation: I am a Divine being of light. I honour My Self by choosing to break unhealthy patterns. And so it is.
Content: 50ml Spray
£14.99 +P&P

This essence is an aid to help you to break patterns in your life that are no longer serving your highest good. Use for ancestral healing, past life/karmic clearing, vows, DNA recoding. It helps you to connect safely to past lives, allowing you to see what you have carried through to this life, and to heal that which is no longer needed. It also connects you to Ascended Masters, who are also our ancestors. It links you to ancient wisdom and knowledge.