
Down To Earth

Down to Earth Essence by Crystal Mountain The purpose of these higher energies is to assist our body in raising its own vibration, as well as Mother Earth. When you experience the higher energy it can be blissful, magical, exhilarating, but it can also be disconcerting, overwhelming, and too much of it without grounding it, can result in burn out.

Grounding aligns you with Mother Earth, it enables you to process and hold light energy. If you aren’t grounded, you cannot sustain the energy coming in. Your body is working so hard to integrate the higher frequencies, that eventually it becomes depleted of energy, which can lead to exhaustion. When you are plugged in, or grounded, then you are able to safely disperse any excesses, and also draw upon extra energy when required. Down to Earth acts like a fuse, it works mainly on the Earth Star Chakra, situated below the soles of the feet, and the base chakra, at the base of your spine, helping you to ground, and anchor this light into your physical body, to regulate the energy flow and release the excess safely into the ground below your feet. It gives you a feeling of safety, you feel safe and secure, knowing you are supported and held by Mother Earth. Use if you feel spacy, dizzy, disoritented, ungrounded.

Affirmation: My Earth Star supports me as I anchor and integrate the light

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